In this forever evolving techno society inwhich we now live, our private worlds seem to be merging with out public worlds. Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, create atmospheres for living publicly, sharing what we are doing and/or thinking every moment of every day. Although there is a supposed "Netiquette" to help with communicating unseen characteristics such as tone(caps) and body language(smh), certain things are still left open.
Like what? Glad you asked!

Cheating has always been a complex enough issue with emphasis placed not only on physical connections but emotional ones as well. Back in the day, we may have lost contact with exes and friends of the opposite sex upon getting into new relationships. Now, finding old flames or new ones even, is just one click away. New things are constantly being added to the infamous list of cheating such as sexting and sending nude pics/videos via e-mail or picture message. The question up for debate now is whether or not e-mailing, texting, and/or conversing with an ex on Facebook/Twitter (or even having them on your friends list or as a contact on your instant messenger) is cheating? What do you think?
~Sincerely, Me
Hmm it's hard to say. My gf is friends with a couple of her exes on facebook as am I (just one). We can chuck this one up to trust. If someone gets out of line than it's done. Great topic, btw.
ReplyDeleteLina (Josy)
Cheating is when you go against the "contract" you and your partner have. So , if one acts against that contract, whatever the terms may be it is cheating. this could be FB association, texting, talking.. all depends on the relationship