"It's just a figure of speech!" id·i·om /ˈidēəm/ Noun: A group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g., raining cats and dogs). A form of expression natural to a language, person, or group of people: "he had a feeling for phrase and idiom". It's funny the way that we often learn things in language and communication, without realizing what it is that we actually learned. Idioms have become so common that even kids understand the meanings of many of them. Idioms assist in the flow of figurative language, but can often be lost in translation; meaning that others who didn't grow up in that culture might not be able to connect the dots. Below I have listed a few. Feel free to join in with others that you may know. "to throw a monkey wrench in the plans" "you put your foot in it" (referring to cooking) "you put your foot into ...
Glad to see that she has a video for "Refill" now! :-)