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New Segment : Poetry Corner

This is a segment where I'll showcase poetry. If you'd like your work to be featured you can hit me up on Facebook @ or e-mail


If I stand at the toilet to piss,
Does that make me a man?
If I sit, does it make me less than?

If I dye my hair blonde, color my eyes blue, and rob
my skin of its natural brown pigmentation
Will that make me Caucasian?
If I don't, am I then African?

If I yell "Hallelujah!" while giving up half of my check,
stomach still queasy from the club
the night before,
Will 'He' save me?
If I, being unbaptized,
die while saving another's life,
Is it just 'to Hell' with me?

If my skin is burned from a fire and barely hanging on 
for dear life,
Does that make me ugly?
If not, then why doesn't anyone see me?
Oh they do stare, but they don't SEE me.

If my body is soft as cotton, my eyes almost 
hypnotizing, and my smile a lasting image 
of pure seductive poetry,
Does that make me beautiful?
If not, then why do you tell me so?
If so, then maybe you'd like to know how I scream

Don't try to classify me, don't box me in.
If you do, then you'll find yourself surely disappointed...
I don't want to be you, and I damn sure don't
appreciate YOU trying to teach ME 
how to BE ME.



They yearn for the sweetness, in between my thighs.
Giving me gift after gift, telling me lie after lie.
To my surprise, I’ve learned that they’ll go pretty damn far,
Trying to convince me that they love me.
Boosting my pride, saying I could be a famous Star.
All while, kissing me here and kissing me there
Hoping that I’ll lose myself and let them enter inside of me.
Because we’re only Human, with these uncontrollable needs.
Brother please.
I have better things on my mind, like how I don’t need it
But when I want it, I can get it at any damn time.
Because thoughts of you, being with me,
Sexually…constantly consume your head.
Yeah I’ve got the power…right here, between my legs.




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