"I'm feeling all SuperHuman..." like Chris brown and Miss Keri. Juggling is a practice that many of us tackle daily, and I'm not talking about clowns. From work, to classes, meetings, little league games, recitals, school concerts, to being personal therapists, chauffeurs, maids, chefs, marriage conselours, lovers, friends, protectors, entertainers, etc. The list could go on endlessly, but I'm sure you get the picture. Often we feel like we are the rope in a game of tug of war, being pulled to the left then the right then the left again. How can we be there for everyone else when we are barely held together with "duct tape and popsicle sticks"(as professor Thompson would say). One strong pull and we all fall down! How do you divide yourself among many responsibilities, while still saving room for yourself? What are some helpful tips in addressing everyone's needs? If you're SuperHuman and you know it clap your hands ! ~Sincerel...