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Showing posts from 2011

I AM...

Ok time for a serious note... I've often been asked what do I call "Him"? I typically respond explaining that I don't call "It" anything, but when referring to it to other people I may use the terms "God", "Allah", "The Creator", "The Supreme Being", "The Highest Power" or "Yahweh". This seems to trouble some people, as if I am supposed to pick a name and/or title and stick with it. Oh sorry let me give you a quick little background on myself...For the first five years of my life I was predominantly raised in a semi Islamic household, with my mother having converted over from Christianity. (perhaps not completely) Fast forward...and you get myself who has grown up basically without a religion because I was never made to completely follow any. A blessing and a curse. (as many things are lol) Now back to my point! Recently I was informed of the name/title "I AM" in reference to "God...

#SometimesIFeelLike #Somebody'sWatchingMe

#STALKERISM That's the new trending topic! As if Myspace and Facebook weren't enough, Twitter comes along and takes the cake. With the styling fun of one and the status updating of the other, Twitter has successfully combined the two and taken it to the next level. So is it just me or do you also feel a little stalkerish as you find yourself "following" people? And I wonder how many stalkers, oh I mean followers, just pop up at places because they saw that you tweeted that you were there! I'm surprised that there hasn't been any murders behind it like the 'Craigslist Killer". I guess stalkers are slacking these days or celebrities just aren't worth it anymore! But before I get out of here make sure you follow your girl @sincerelyme2012! (lol) See you there my Tweeps! ~Sincerely, Me


This week "In the Spotlite" is new songstress Elle Varner. Raised in Los Angelos by two musically inclined parents, she was destined to be talented. With the help of the Amazing Grace Conservatory, The Hamilton Academy of Music's Vocal Jazz Group, and NYU's Clive Davis' Department of Recorded Music she was signed to MBK/J Records in 2009. Recently she debuted her first single "Only Wanna Give It To You" featuring J.Cole, from her upcoming album "Perfectly Imperfect". Not only does she have an amazingly raspy voice but she also is a songwriter and guitarist! Check out her song "Refill" about her intoxication of him and "So Fly" with it's Erykah Badu "Clever" vibe! Her sound is Beauty meets The Beat stimulating not only our ears but also our minds with it's smooth and sultry sound but hard and invigorating lyrics. I feel that she's not "the shoe you pass by in the store window" and well "...


Bang, Bang! Chivalry is DEAD! But when, where, why, and how?! Some people say that it was laid to rest at the same moment that the women's empowerment movement was birthed. As we women shouted that we could do anything a man can do, they decided that we can pay for our own meals too!! Others insist that this generation of the human male species is just overly self-centered, consumed with his own desires. He's too busy brushing his shoulders off and wiping himself down, that we are left fending for ourselves! Well maybe it's a little of both. Guess we really put our feet in our mouthes this time. Whatever the reason, I wish we could resurrect it; jump start it back into action, starting today! CLEAR! ~Sincerely, Me

Will You Ride the Wave or Throw in the Towel?

Ladies!!! Does size REALLY matter? Or is it all about the motion of the ocean? I mean what if he has the tools but doesn't know how to use them, isn't that kind of like false advertisement?! And what if he is on the smaller side but a beast when it comes to foreplay? Will you ride the wave or throw in the towel? Fellas!!! Aggressive or submissive? Do you want full control to do as you please, or would you rather be controlled and taken advantage of? Which demeanor entices you more, or are you up for a little of both? And if she needs a little help will you be the teacher that gives her extra credit or flunk her?! Sincerely, Me


"I'm feeling all SuperHuman..." like Chris brown and Miss Keri. Juggling is a practice that many of us tackle daily, and I'm not talking about clowns. From work, to classes, meetings, little league games, recitals, school concerts, to being personal therapists, chauffeurs, maids, chefs, marriage conselours, lovers, friends, protectors, entertainers, etc. The list could go on endlessly, but I'm sure you get the picture. Often we feel like we are the rope in a game of tug of war, being pulled to the left then the right then the left again. How can we be there for everyone else when we are barely held together with "duct tape and popsicle sticks"(as professor Thompson would say). One strong pull and we all fall down! How do you divide yourself among many responsibilities, while still saving room for yourself? What are some helpful tips in addressing everyone's needs? If you're SuperHuman and you know it clap your hands ! ~Sincerel...

Mychael Knight

Project Runway's Season 3 Viewer Choice winner Mychael Knight:


So the producer turned rapper turned singer turned back rapper, Kanye West....has now tried his hand at fashion. Below are a few selections from his women's line. Does the "Self-Conscious", "Monster" with so much "Power", have what it takes? Is he fashion-savvy? Or should he just "Runaway"?! ~Sincerely, Me

"It's only Facebook!" Or isn't it?

In this forever evolving techno society inwhich we now live, our private worlds seem to be merging with out public worlds. Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, create atmospheres for living publicly, sharing what we are doing and/or thinking every moment of every day. Although there is a supposed "Netiquette" to help with communicating unseen characteristics such as tone(caps) and body language(smh), certain things are still left open. Like what? Glad you asked! Cheating has always been a complex enough issue with emphasis placed not only on physical connections but emotional ones as well. Back in the day, we may have lost contact with exes and friends of the opposite sex upon getting into new relationships. Now, finding old flames or new ones even, is just one click away. New things are constantly being added to the infamous list of cheating such as sexting and sending nude pics/videos via e-mail or picture message. The question up for debate now is whether or n...