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What Means The World To You?!

"What means the world to you? My money, my doe, my hoes, my clothes..." ~Cam'Ron

I find myself wondering about this from time to time. Not only about myself but in reference to others as well. What matters most to us in the world. Sometimes we think that we know, until faced with certain situations that leave us walking away with new understandings of things. Years ago when I was younger (and dumber lol) I probably would have said sneakers, gold jewelry, and my family. My mindstate was, and still is in some ways, set on looking good and feeling good. If those things weren't in order then most likely others things in my life weren't as well. I don't think that it was so much that I was so materialistic, but that I put alot of my self worth into those things. Now, after experiencing life more, my perception of some things has changed. Below I will break down how I feel about a few things that are often held to high standards.

Marriage/Love - As little girls we are often fed the wrong impression of love filled with knights in shining armor saving us and carrying us off into happily ever after. This often sets us up for a world of disappointment. Fantasy has a way of making reality a little harder to swallow. Unless, by chance, the stars are aligned in your favor and you are blessed with having the oppurtunity to actually live out this fairytale. But for the rest of us, (including myself until further notice) things just don't seem to go that smoothly. I was never taught how much work goes into a marriage, or any partnership, in order for it to flourish. We put in so much work in hopes of the bumpy roads leading to green pastures, but how much work is too much? Because "they" say that love isn't supposed to be hard. How do you know when it's worth it to keep pushing or when it's time to let go? All that I know is that, at this point in my life, I'd rather die alone but fulfilled than unhappily married.

Money - I'm going to try to keep this one short. Put simply, it's necessary in order to survive comfortably in the U.S., so that kind of makes it important by default. lol (unless we choose the other route of depending on the government, and they do treat some of us very well, but it will leave us like putty in their hands and our livelihood in their control.)

Peace of Mind - This is one that I don't hear as often as other things, but I feel is very important. Sadly, many of us die without it, and others die in order to keep it.

Family/Friends - This is usually understood without explanation.

Religion - Some of us will kill and die for what we believe in. But what if we are wrong?! You decide.

Humanitarianism - Hey I'm all for healing the world and making it a better place (as MJ would say). Maybe we have been blessed with the tools necessary to either build us up or knock us down.

Sex/Drugs - It's a very interesting thing to me that there are those of us that can live without them and others who can't. Throughout my life I get pulled in different directions about these things. I'll probably end up becoming either a pot smoking hippie or a Buddhist monk/nun.

So the question I pose to you is, in this day and age "What means the world to you?"

Sincerely, Me


  1. Is this Key? It's so refreshing to see you expressing your views like this.

    What is important to me? Right now, education that leads to a fulfilling and pocket-fattening job is number one. It's hard for it not to be the most important thing seeing as that's what my whole life has been geared towards.

    I would never admit to material possessions being important to me, but if they are taken away, perhaps I might see how much I rely on them. I guess entertainment is important to me, whatever medium it may come by.

    Family is not important to me because, it's just not natural for me to feel love and caring towards family members, but my friends are very important to me. Oddly enough, developing social skills and learning how to cope with a variety of people and situations is on my agenda as well. I know to many that such things come naturally. But for me, I have to actively seek it out as I am, by nature, anti-social.

    I am also becoming increasingly worried about where I stand as it pertains to faith. I feel like I was put on this earth to do something that I have not even begun to dip into.

    But all these things are superficial.

    I've realised what REALLY matters to me is how I am perceived by others. What is REALLY important is how good I look in others' eyes and what can be said about me in my absence. My ego is important to me.

  2. Yes it is I try to incorporate suggestions. Thanks for sharing. Just a warning, (from someone who also strokes her ego) you can't always make someone see what you want them to see, no matter how hard you try. So just be careful with that, and know that regardless of what anyone thinks, you know your true intentions. :-)

  3. GOD,Health,Family,Confidence,the ability to Self-Maintain; Hope for peace,(outside as well as inside)and for my soul mate to understand that I am like a RED rose. A red rose receives life & it needs several things to grow and bloom, such as soil,water,the sun, nutrients but add a little more love,time & attention,(which nourishes & enriches the rose)and she will stand tall,strong,vibrant & beautiful through n through. I am a strong black woman, yet if that extra light is cast on me, I am stronger.

    1. thanks! you have given me some things to think about because those are all important things.


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