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Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Do you ever find yourself frustrated when trying to communicate with the opposite sex? At times it can seem as if we speak two different languages or as if we aren't even the same species. How are we supposed to be together if we can't even talk to and understand one another? Apparently, we are expected to at some point figure it all out, but how can we when from the time we are kids we learn to communicate differently?  Women are more focused on connections and for men all talk and little action just doesn't make sense. This ultimately leads to a lot of frustration, arguments, insecurities, and unhappiness. Has this happened to you? Is that how you landed here on this site? Or perhaps you've read books and articles explaining how the genders brains are wired differently, offering tips on how to apply the information.

But if you're like me, this can still leave you unsatisfied because what if we don't want to learn to communicate differently? Or what if we prefer our own styles of communication? Or furthermore, if we just can't really grasp how to do it another way? Does that then mean that we should only communicate with the same sex? Why is it that so much that we are told to do in order to maintain monogamous heterosexual relationships seems so unnatural? (Note to men: Please know that I'm not asking you to come up with "THE ANSWER.") 

I guess this is a major reason why some people are able to "work" the other gender so well, but usually with not so good intentions. We have to learn how to find a happy medium where both genders get what they need, but not at the expense of losing what they want. Just try to keep in mind ladies that he isn't feminine and you wouldn't want him if he was. And fellas, she isn't one of the guys, so have a heart! 
Here are some helpful sites: 

Take care!



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