We all have them. Some are petty and some are understandable, and some are just plain ridiculous. I like to think that mine are a happy medium of all three. Enjoy! :-) 1.) BEING MISUNDERSTOOD! Have you ever gotten so frustrated because someone just seems to completely misunderstand you? I try very hard to be clear and precise because I feel that miscommunication is a huge problem in many of our interactions. But what I've learned is that we can't really make others understand things exactly as we do, too many other things are brought to the table. I just hate for others to think that I mean one thing, when I actually mean something else. Do you know what I mean? :-) 2.) WHOLE SENTENCES WRITTEN L!K3 +H!5! Ok, I probably didn't even do that right, but I'm sure that you get my point. I'm happy that you're happy in your cleverness, however, it takes us outsiders forever to try to "decipher the code". By the time I figure it ou...